almost 3 and in remission for a year!
and his family while you were here....
It is Sunday and I just got Home Taught, I have the most amazing teachers... anyways, I was thinking about all of you and how blessed I am to have y'all in my life. I love you all so much, you mean the WORLD to me. I can't wait to see most of you in just a few days! I know that we will just have such a good time celebrating the accomplishments of one of our family members. I am just so grateful for the examples you are to me and how much you have helped me progress in this life...
On another positive note... I PASSED MY CERTIFICATION!!! I don't have the specific results back in the mail yet, but online it says my original certification date, and mine was labeled as 4/06/2008... so, it will be coming shortly in the mail. All that worry for nothing, but I know that the prayers given on my behalf were what made the difference, for that, THANK YOU! This also means that I get a bonus from work, I get reimbursed for taking the test, and I am now, Carlyn Cusack, RN, BSN, CPN!!!!
I am going to post pictures from the Little Heroes Prom two Fridays ago... my babies are growing up so fast, I love them dearly and hope you can fall in love with them too!
Tonight, I am going to a dinner get together after church at one of thie girls I used to visit teaches' house. It should be so fun, I don't know who all else is going, but regardless. I went on a date on Thursday, it was good, that was our 3rd date... so we'll see what happens next! Kyle and I just got done planning our summer trip for June, so we'll fly into Dayton, then drive for a week to see all of the church history sites east of the Ohio River. Then, we'll come back to Dayton by Thursday (which is the day Cason and Kaela fly in) and Kyle will fly home and I'll stay the weekend for Bigga's graduation!
That's about enough for me now! Oh, last night was a dance - dress up in your favorite decade, I was a Grease Lightin' girl (PINK LADIES!)... I'll show a pic of that too if I have one!
Love you all,
Carlyn K.
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