Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hey family!

I talked to most of you within the last 24 hours or so, so most of you know the update with me. Apartment searching went well, we put a deposit down on one, but Trisha thinks it's not a good neighborhood. I can't afford to live in any nicer of a place though, so I will just have to buy some pepper spray and be safe as possible I guess. It is very nice for the great deal I am getting. And you get two bedrooms for the same price of most one-bedrooms in Columbus! I am sooo excited to get my own place, but I also don't want to be alone ALL of the time, so I am going to stay close with my friends. Still waiting on the word from Children's about the RN job. I have turned in everything they asked for so now it's just a matter of time to find out if I have a real interview. I am feeling optimistic about everything. I can't believe this day is here, where I am looking for my own place and a real job in the real world! I am also working on graduation invites so you all will get one (whether you plan to come or not) and also a graduation picture of me to put on your fridges! just kiddin you don't have to do that. I've been on spring break all last week so I just worked a lot and spent time with David. Tomorrow I start a new and last quarter of college. My schedule isn't bad this quarter, it just depends on how my clinicals go. I think you all know that I am unable to run track (outdoor) because I just wont have enough time to get into racing-shape for competition. Although I have begun running and I missed it a lot and the foot is doing great so far! When mom is in Mexico she is going to call me and then I will act as a phone chain and call all of you to let you know they are okay and all. Sounds like we are all doing exciting things in our lives now and I'm glad we can share in most of them (graduations, weddings, etc.). Can't wait to see you ladies (and Case!) in Utah in about 3 weeks! I got nothing else!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Kaela Cusack said...

It was good to talk to you on Saturday-keep us posted! Good luck with your interviews :) We can't wait to see you!