Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our new nurse

This is our new nurse, Catey Cusack, RN. Just thought all of you would like to see her new name tag!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


hello family,

it's been a while since anyone has really wrote on here...i love the pics from cason and kaelas sealing, they are so pretty! can't wait to see everyone at kelly's wedding!

just a little update on me: I am really enjoying my new job as a nurse but i think everyone has heard me say that i am struggling with reality shock: i still feel like a student or the nurse's aide, and i am still getting used to taking the responsibilities into my own hands! but i think i am really going to like it, especially the floor i work on. We treat everything from strokes to post-op brain surgeries and everyone from age 19-100.
I still love my little apartment, it is so cute and in a pretty good location. Cory lives like 5 miles from me right now so it has been nice to have a family member close.
I still work at applebee's here and there, so i keep pretty busy.

i think that is it! love you all!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Utah Mountains

It is sooo beautiful up here--Todd and I feel that we belong in the mountains!

Ahhhhh...such a beautiful couple



Guys holding Kaela!

Cason and Kaela's Sealing

This was such a beautiful and special day--Cason and Kaela's sealing at the Salt Lake Temple.

Indian Lake

Todd, Chloe and I spent the day at the lake recently and this was the first time ever that Chloe was actually excited about jumping in the water all the time. She does get distracted so we have to stay by her!

This is our '64 Ambassador. Looks cool, right? Well, Todd will be putting it up for sale on ebay--he just dznt have the time to put into both cars, so he decided to say bye-bye to this one.

Visiting Kelly

July 12 & 13th, we went to Michigan to visit Kelly. We had a great time, saw her lovely home, took a walk in "Dow" gardens.