I made my own blog too. It is to share my photography.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hey family!
I talked to most of you within the last 24 hours or so, so most of you know the update with me. Apartment searching went well, we put a deposit down on one, but Trisha thinks it's not a good neighborhood. I can't afford to live in any nicer of a place though, so I will just have to buy some pepper spray and be safe as possible I guess. It is very nice for the great deal I am getting. And you get two bedrooms for the same price of most one-bedrooms in Columbus! I am sooo excited to get my own place, but I also don't want to be alone ALL of the time, so I am going to stay close with my friends. Still waiting on the word from Children's about the RN job. I have turned in everything they asked for so now it's just a matter of time to find out if I have a real interview. I am feeling optimistic about everything. I can't believe this day is here, where I am looking for my own place and a real job in the real world! I am also working on graduation invites so you all will get one (whether you plan to come or not) and also a graduation picture of me to put on your fridges! just kiddin you don't have to do that. I've been on spring break all last week so I just worked a lot and spent time with David. Tomorrow I start a new and last quarter of college. My schedule isn't bad this quarter, it just depends on how my clinicals go. I think you all know that I am unable to run track (outdoor) because I just wont have enough time to get into racing-shape for competition. Although I have begun running and I missed it a lot and the foot is doing great so far! When mom is in Mexico she is going to call me and then I will act as a phone chain and call all of you to let you know they are okay and all. Sounds like we are all doing exciting things in our lives now and I'm glad we can share in most of them (graduations, weddings, etc.). Can't wait to see you ladies (and Case!) in Utah in about 3 weeks! I got nothing else!
Love you all!
Love you all!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Question for the day
Dear Family,
The question for the day is, "How do you know your spouse loves you?"
When he sleeps on your side of the bed to get it warm for his wife and when she snuggles in to bed, he moves over to his cold side of the bed.
Ahhhh, isnt that sweet? That's what I got!!
The question for the day is, "How do you know your spouse loves you?"
When he sleeps on your side of the bed to get it warm for his wife and when she snuggles in to bed, he moves over to his cold side of the bed.
Ahhhh, isnt that sweet? That's what I got!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hello Cusack-Lewis Bloggers
I just wanted to tell each of you, thank you so much for caring about me. I learned a valuable lesson this past weekend: no matter how I feel, I will NEVER alienate myself from you all.
I have so much to be thankful for and I feel Todd and my lives have been sooo blessed because of all of you.
Well, what's going on with us...Todd is going to Columbus tomorrow to have dinner with Margo; I'm going to Columbus on Wed so Catey and I can go apartment hunting. She has researched many apts and have narrowed some down for us to go and see. That will be exciting. Aunt Becky and I will meet in Indy on Fri at noon to have lunch with G'pa !!!!!! Yea, you read correctly!!! Once a week, his male friend, Sandy, takes him out to lunch and Becky called Sandy to arrange that we meet with them at the restaurant. This should be nice and very interesting.
After lunch, Becky will follow me home and she is spending the weekend with us. We dont know what we will do yet, but Becky and I always have fun doing just anything!!!
And then...the next week, we take off for Los Cablos, Mexico. We leave on April 2 and return on April 6--I will email you all of our itinerary-just so you know of our whereabouts. I know while we are in Mexico, Cason and Kaela will be camping and going to a concert--fun fun; and Carly will be in Denver, acting like a nurse--and having fun. Well I guess thats all with us.
I love you all,
I have so much to be thankful for and I feel Todd and my lives have been sooo blessed because of all of you.
Well, what's going on with us...Todd is going to Columbus tomorrow to have dinner with Margo; I'm going to Columbus on Wed so Catey and I can go apartment hunting. She has researched many apts and have narrowed some down for us to go and see. That will be exciting. Aunt Becky and I will meet in Indy on Fri at noon to have lunch with G'pa !!!!!! Yea, you read correctly!!! Once a week, his male friend, Sandy, takes him out to lunch and Becky called Sandy to arrange that we meet with them at the restaurant. This should be nice and very interesting.
After lunch, Becky will follow me home and she is spending the weekend with us. We dont know what we will do yet, but Becky and I always have fun doing just anything!!!
And then...the next week, we take off for Los Cablos, Mexico. We leave on April 2 and return on April 6--I will email you all of our itinerary-just so you know of our whereabouts. I know while we are in Mexico, Cason and Kaela will be camping and going to a concert--fun fun; and Carly will be in Denver, acting like a nurse--and having fun. Well I guess thats all with us.
I love you all,
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hello Family!
We are not being very good communicators (sp?)! I know I haven't written in a while... Let's see, I gave a talk in sacrament on Sunday, it went very well, although I know I talk really fast when I get nervous! Most people around here had spring break this week and Kyle and her brothers and I were going to go down to the coast for a couple of days, but the Bishop from one of the wards down there advised everyone not to go to the coast this week, so we didn't. Instead, we hung out all week... flying kites, playing with the kids, and going to the zoo! Tomorrow is Easter and we are running a race for Child Abuse for San Antonio advocacy.... thats Rebecca, Kyle, Amy, Me and Kyle's oldest sister Kelly. Off to a date now! Wish me luck! I love you all!
We are not being very good communicators (sp?)! I know I haven't written in a while... Let's see, I gave a talk in sacrament on Sunday, it went very well, although I know I talk really fast when I get nervous! Most people around here had spring break this week and Kyle and her brothers and I were going to go down to the coast for a couple of days, but the Bishop from one of the wards down there advised everyone not to go to the coast this week, so we didn't. Instead, we hung out all week... flying kites, playing with the kids, and going to the zoo! Tomorrow is Easter and we are running a race for Child Abuse for San Antonio advocacy.... thats Rebecca, Kyle, Amy, Me and Kyle's oldest sister Kelly. Off to a date now! Wish me luck! I love you all!
Monday, March 10, 2008
I promise not to monopolize the blog, but I'm on a roll, and I saw that you can put pictures on here! I'll put a few pictures up from our trip to Denver....
Hiking at Garden of the Gods

We went to the melting pot and had Fondue!

Cason reading at the legendary "Tattered Cover" bookstore downtown Denver.
Hiking at Garden of the Gods
We went to the melting pot and had Fondue!
Cason reading at the legendary "Tattered Cover" bookstore downtown Denver.
Update from the far west...
Hi everyone!
What a great idea-I'm so glad you started this. I've been meaning to start a photography blog myself, now I can practice blogging and have fun keeping up with everyone.
Let's see...right now I'm at home it's about 10:30 PM and I left Cason to play basketball at the gym-I was done working out, but he wasn't ready to go. We had a very busy weekend, we went to dinner with friends, Cason worked, I visited my little grandma lady and we wrote on pictures (Norene-87). Cason made Sunday dinner-Salmon, steamed broccoli, and rice. He didn't eat the broccoli though-I'm learning he's not super crazy about green things like green beans (except when they've got bacon in them). Most exciting of all-we gave talks in church on Sunday! I was pretty nervous, but Cason was a great help in reassuring me that my ideas weren't silly. I was so glad to be done though! We talked about the ministry of Christ. Cason spoke about Christ's ministry becoming our ministry, and I spoke about the role of our Prophet and Apostles in perpetuating Christ's ministry. It was a good experience, but I hope I'm off the hook for a while....
This weekend is busy too! My sister Erin is coming to visit and we are going to a piano concert at BYU-I can't remember the guy's name, but Cason would know. He is very good. We are taking Dave to Benihana (http://www.benihana.com/) for his birthday, and we are going to a Hunger Banquet (Cason's idea-http://kennedy.byu.edu/student/SID/hunger/) with some speakers and special food. It should be interesting.
That's about all for us. Carly & Cory-we are JEALOUS of your nice warm weather. Kelly, we can't wait to hear more about the wedding, your save the date card is on our fridge and it's very cute. Did you design it yourself? Catey-so glad your foot is finally better! Alicia & Todd-we got your picture message of you snowmobiling-looks fun! Hope we can go with you sometime soon (like maybe next winter?).
Love you all! Looking forward to seeing some of you soon (April & June).
Kaela & Cason
What a great idea-I'm so glad you started this. I've been meaning to start a photography blog myself, now I can practice blogging and have fun keeping up with everyone.
Let's see...right now I'm at home it's about 10:30 PM and I left Cason to play basketball at the gym-I was done working out, but he wasn't ready to go. We had a very busy weekend, we went to dinner with friends, Cason worked, I visited my little grandma lady and we wrote on pictures (Norene-87). Cason made Sunday dinner-Salmon, steamed broccoli, and rice. He didn't eat the broccoli though-I'm learning he's not super crazy about green things like green beans (except when they've got bacon in them). Most exciting of all-we gave talks in church on Sunday! I was pretty nervous, but Cason was a great help in reassuring me that my ideas weren't silly. I was so glad to be done though! We talked about the ministry of Christ. Cason spoke about Christ's ministry becoming our ministry, and I spoke about the role of our Prophet and Apostles in perpetuating Christ's ministry. It was a good experience, but I hope I'm off the hook for a while....
This weekend is busy too! My sister Erin is coming to visit and we are going to a piano concert at BYU-I can't remember the guy's name, but Cason would know. He is very good. We are taking Dave to Benihana (http://www.benihana.com/) for his birthday, and we are going to a Hunger Banquet (Cason's idea-http://kennedy.byu.edu/student/SID/hunger/) with some speakers and special food. It should be interesting.
That's about all for us. Carly & Cory-we are JEALOUS of your nice warm weather. Kelly, we can't wait to hear more about the wedding, your save the date card is on our fridge and it's very cute. Did you design it yourself? Catey-so glad your foot is finally better! Alicia & Todd-we got your picture message of you snowmobiling-looks fun! Hope we can go with you sometime soon (like maybe next winter?).
Love you all! Looking forward to seeing some of you soon (April & June).
Kaela & Cason
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Hi Kids,
Between tonight and tomorrow night, we are expected 5-10 inches of snow, so in preparation, we took the snowmobile trailer down to the "Thies" home and hope to do some road riding tomorrow night. Wish you all were here.
Catey--when are your finals?
Hey, Kelly and Cory--we would love to hear from you.
Mom and Alicia
Between tonight and tomorrow night, we are expected 5-10 inches of snow, so in preparation, we took the snowmobile trailer down to the "Thies" home and hope to do some road riding tomorrow night. Wish you all were here.
Catey--when are your finals?
Hey, Kelly and Cory--we would love to hear from you.
Mom and Alicia
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Hey family,
Today is my last day at clinical (I am on a break right now). I have truly enjoyed it here as they have enjoyed me also. I got my preceptor a lucky bamboo plant and she loved it. She got me a book titled "Nonviolent Communication, a Language of Life" and she wrote a sweet note in it. I am considering continuing to volunteer here in the future sometime, because they really need the help and I enjoy it a lot.
After I turn in a big paper tomorrow, my assignments will be finished for the quarter, except for my nursing final of course, so I will have about a week of relaxation before finals.
One thing I am really excited about is that I have a phone interview with Human Resources at Children's--for the RN position I applied for--on Monday. Like 5 other girls in my class have interviews too but I think I have an advantage since I already work there as a tech. I really hope I can get a job secured early so I don't have to worry about that. I found out that it is not even possible to take the boards until at least 3 weeks after graduation (probably sometime in mid to late July). So after graduation, we have a week of Kaplan review for the test and then I can register to sit for the exam. I am already nervous about it!
Many of you don't know that last Wed. I got cleared from the doctor to start running again! I have only ran twice since then but my foot has felt great and I can't wait to get in shape again. I will not be competing, even in outdoor, because my foot took longer to heal than expected, so there isn't time for me to get in competition-shape.
Spring break starts the 20th and I just plan to work a lot, begin studying for boards, looking for apartments, and relaxing.
Next quarter I volunteered to have my clinical at nights, so like 7 pm-3am or 7pm-7am. So that will give me a taste of third shift.
I like this idea, it will really help keep us all updated on each other.
Lastly, I am going to attempt to post my graduation picture later. Can you believe I am almost done with college??? Neither can I!
Love you all,
Catey Mae
Today is my last day at clinical (I am on a break right now). I have truly enjoyed it here as they have enjoyed me also. I got my preceptor a lucky bamboo plant and she loved it. She got me a book titled "Nonviolent Communication, a Language of Life" and she wrote a sweet note in it. I am considering continuing to volunteer here in the future sometime, because they really need the help and I enjoy it a lot.
After I turn in a big paper tomorrow, my assignments will be finished for the quarter, except for my nursing final of course, so I will have about a week of relaxation before finals.
One thing I am really excited about is that I have a phone interview with Human Resources at Children's--for the RN position I applied for--on Monday. Like 5 other girls in my class have interviews too but I think I have an advantage since I already work there as a tech. I really hope I can get a job secured early so I don't have to worry about that. I found out that it is not even possible to take the boards until at least 3 weeks after graduation (probably sometime in mid to late July). So after graduation, we have a week of Kaplan review for the test and then I can register to sit for the exam. I am already nervous about it!
Many of you don't know that last Wed. I got cleared from the doctor to start running again! I have only ran twice since then but my foot has felt great and I can't wait to get in shape again. I will not be competing, even in outdoor, because my foot took longer to heal than expected, so there isn't time for me to get in competition-shape.
Spring break starts the 20th and I just plan to work a lot, begin studying for boards, looking for apartments, and relaxing.
Next quarter I volunteered to have my clinical at nights, so like 7 pm-3am or 7pm-7am. So that will give me a taste of third shift.
I like this idea, it will really help keep us all updated on each other.
Lastly, I am going to attempt to post my graduation picture later. Can you believe I am almost done with college??? Neither can I!
Love you all,
Catey Mae
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hello All
Hello Dear Family,
I too, thought this communicating with one another would be a chance for all of us to stay in touch and to learn of those little things that we might tell one person but the other never knew about it. I'm excited that Carly has put this together and that all of us can update each of us about what's going on in your lives.
Last night, Todd and I had the Elders and an investigator over for dinner and family home evening. We had a wonderful time, as we always do with the missionaires. Todd gave the lesson on scripture reading since this individual is just learning the importance of reading daily. I made up some scripture ribbons (kids-you may remember when you were younger, that I made some and I still have mine, how bout you?) and they loved them--they never saw them before.
I got the new "Ensign" the other day and there is a quote on the front cover that I really like and would like to share with you--something that we all could benefit, remembering.....
"when you read the scriptural accounts of His life and ministry, you realize how much Jesus Christ exemplied love. He healed and blessed. He looked past human fraility to see the heart--offering hope, healing, and forgiveness through His ministry, teachings and great atoning sacrifice".
Mom and Alicia
I too, thought this communicating with one another would be a chance for all of us to stay in touch and to learn of those little things that we might tell one person but the other never knew about it. I'm excited that Carly has put this together and that all of us can update each of us about what's going on in your lives.
Last night, Todd and I had the Elders and an investigator over for dinner and family home evening. We had a wonderful time, as we always do with the missionaires. Todd gave the lesson on scripture reading since this individual is just learning the importance of reading daily. I made up some scripture ribbons (kids-you may remember when you were younger, that I made some and I still have mine, how bout you?) and they loved them--they never saw them before.
I got the new "Ensign" the other day and there is a quote on the front cover that I really like and would like to share with you--something that we all could benefit, remembering.....
"when you read the scriptural accounts of His life and ministry, you realize how much Jesus Christ exemplied love. He healed and blessed. He looked past human fraility to see the heart--offering hope, healing, and forgiveness through His ministry, teachings and great atoning sacrifice".
Mom and Alicia
The Start of Better Communication!
Dearest Family...
I just set this up on a whim, in hopes that it will strengthen our lines of communication. It is my prayer that we can share the little things with each other on here in either a day-by-day or week-by-week effort. I know that I would enjoy so much hearing about the little things that happen in y'alls lives... the things that make us happy, sad, laugh, cry, tickled, humbled, emotional, outraged, satisfied.... the things that make us 'family'. I want us all to have access to read and write the things that we want each other know about us and our families. I love you all so very much and care about the integrity of our relationships. Please join with me in this effort to further unite our family unit!
Carlyn K
Carlyn K
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